The Little Libraries for the Hodiamont Tracks Greenway are the result of the hard work and efforts of hundreds of people. A picture is worth a thousand words so I will let them speak to the work done:

The kits and pre-cut wood are the work of a donor who wishes to remain anonymous.

Two people teams assembled each one. Pictured 83-year-old Delores McCrea and Michael J. von Gebel both Vandeventer neighborhood residents.

Like a smooth-running assembly line assembly was completed in an afternoon.
Next the Boy Scouts and Girls Scouts come into prime the libraries.
Kids and paint what a fun time.

The steady and skilled hands of Sam Lary, Rod Wilbon and Audrey Ellerman and others painted the libraries and sent them on their way. Mr. Ralph Harvey, Sam Lary and Rod Wilbon along with some members of the St; Louis Fire Dept. donated their time and dug holes and installed posts for the libraries to be installed.

Then we arrive for the day the little libraries have been installed, unveiled, and stocked with books. Leadership and teamwork that made a promise and kept its word.